Greenergy performs civil engineering design, site development and creates storm water management plans. Our civil engineering department has experience working on projects of all types from development of new hospitals to public schools.

Greenergy can save your project money by implementing a storm water management plan that allows for storm water infiltration for good sandy soil sites. By allowing storm water to discharge directly into the ground versus connecting to the city seweres the cost of storm water detention is significantly reduced.


We implement the following strategies for storm water detention reduction and achievement LEED® sustainable credits:

- porous concrete and asphalt
- permeable pavers
- bioswales, soakaways
- infiltration pits, french drains
- rain gardens
- rain water harvesting
We have experience working on the following project types:

- Public schools
- Hospitals
- Industrial sites
- Sports fields
- Commercial developments
- Residential developments
- Alley and roadwork grading design
- Parking lot design
We perform the following services:

- Land Surveying
- Landscaping Design
- Develop a storm water management plan based on existing soil conditions
- Produce Civil Construction drawings
- Storm Water & Sanitary Permitting
- Permitting with Evnironmental Protection Agency
- Permitting with Department of Natural Resources Army Corp of Engineers
- American with Disablilities Act ramp design
- Construction observation and management
- Cost estimating


For more information on our civil design services contact us with your project details.